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2015" Leadman first session of family open day and children's playground opening ceremony"

In order to fully reflect the company's concern for employees and make the majority of employee families understand employees’ work environment and enterprise development, leadman hold the first family open day and children playground opening ceremony on May 30, 2015. More than 70 families and nearly 300 employees have taken participate in thie event. Leadman's vice president and CEO, Mr Wang Yixing, assistant of CEO, Mr. Shen Jinzhao, director and the assistant of CEO, Mr. Zhang Kun have shown on the event.
The event officially began at 10am, In the morning, the staff visited the products development and production workshop area. After that , they also visited library and business school at the six floor of the building.
“Little Leadman playground” was an indoor playground park and the opening ceremony was the first time activity. This playground has a variety of creation facilities.
We also have prepared buffet for the kids and adults. Just look at the cute children, "we are so happy!" they said.
After the event, we also prepared toys for all of the children.We sincerely wish the kids grow up healthily and happily , all of the parents have a“whole dimension of family happiness”. And we are so looking forward to the next meeting!
The last but not least, thank you! all of the staffs!!