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State Food and Drug Administration(SFDA)visited Leadman


Recently , Zhanng Fengping, the Deputy director of SFDA and other related supervision leaders have been carrying out supervision and inspection work in several district. The supervision inspectors went to Da xing district on 03/12/2015. Leadman as the representative accepted that inspection and showed them up the condition of business. Sun jingsheng, division chief of Medical instruments dept and Tang qingjun, director of BDA food and drug administration, deputy director Bao Liwei were visiting guests,too.
The supervision inspectors arrived at Leadman on 03/12/2015, 9AM. Wang Yixing, Leadman vice chairman and chief executive and Zhang kun, chief executive assistant, deputy director of the research and development center Chen Lijie warmly received the guests.
The supervision inspectors heard of the company's report and understood Leadman’s general situation from the of core competitiveness as well as future development planning in biochemical, immune, and molecular diagnostic product aspects. The evaluation is made on the working situation of Leadman, not only confirming the achievement in the past, but also pointing out the goal to be strived for. The Deputy director of SFDA Zhanng Fengping and Leadman vice chairman and chief executive Wang yixing discussed the development of Leadman.
The supervision inspectors also visited Leasman R&D area. The successful completion of the work is an affirmation of Leadman important status in the medical device industry and it was also the way to directly improve the progress and future of Leadman.
